Organic Lions Mane Powder // New Zealand Native


MYND Pekepeke-Kiore - Locally Grown Organic Lions Mane

 - 45-90 Serves -

New Zealand's Native Lion's Mane - Pekepeke-Kiore (Hericium Novae Zealandiae)

Harvested fresh from the Mynd mushroom farm in Raglan, New Zealand, each batch undergoes a spa day of careful drying and heat treatment to retain its natural potency. Mynd's unique cultivation technique, The Mynd Method, results in a bioactive rich extract. They pride themselves on maintaining the purity of product from their farm to your cup (zero additives).

Also known as Hericium Novae-Zealandiae, it is the cool kiwi cousin of the renowned Lion’s Mane (Hericium Erinaceus) used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries.

Our research partners at Callaghan Innovation independently tested our extract under the mushroom microscope and the results indicate that it contains both Erinacines and Hericenones. These bioactive compounds can support brain health, function and protection. The same key bioactive compounds that are responsible for its cousin’s neurological benefits.

Erinanenes A, G, (B) & Hericenones A, J were found in our sample as compared to Erinancenes (B) & Hericenones A. J in the international samples.

Please see the full report here and Mynd's research bank HERE


  • 100% Pekepeke-Kiore extract ((Hericium Novae-Zealandiae) Pekepeke-Kiore fruiting bodies (85%) and mycelia (15%) (Full-spectrum, heat extract.))

Suggested Use

Stir 1/4 tsp (1-2 grams) through any hot or cold beverage. A favourite is to add it to coffee before brewing or to rice before cooking.

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